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"When you’re on a Spiritual path, strange things can happen.  I knew I was looking for a woman that would give me a message and in March of this year, I met this beautiful lady, Andi with an "i".  Little did I know that this lady was so amazing!  I had my first session with her not knowing that amazing changes were going to happen.  She removed two attachments that were interfering with my life and much, much more.  This woman is amazing and I would highly recommend that anyone receive a clearing or energetic anchoring from her.  The minute I left her room I was happier then I had been in months.   I continued to have issues on and off because of things happening to me on my journey and she continued to clear and anchor me so that I was then able to move forward.   I have never felt so grounded and clear as I do today and I owe a lot of that to the special work that I received from her.  I can’t say how much you’ve changed my life, Andi, in such a short time but I do want to tell everyone how amazing you are!  I live in love and light and am so blessed the Universe connected our paths.  May life bring you many blessings for the gifts you receive and most of all for the gifts you give to others!"   Lots of love and light, L.C. Mesa


"I had an Energy Clearing Session with Andi.  I was semi-skeptical at first but my attitude soon changed as I felt “weight” being lifted from me and new energy flowing in and around me. Her session was amazing!  Blockages that I knew were there disappeared and more important blockages I wasn’t aware of and how they were affecting me evaporated leaving a new fresh me to better tap into the Divine Forces enabling me to step into my power as a healer.  Anxieties about starting my Business and my Personal life evaporated.  It’s been several weeks since that session and I’m still going forward, proving it wasn’t just a temporary, feel good fix. I highly recommend Andi Feinberg. She has amazing skills and the attributes of a true, caring Healer.  You can’t go wrong getting a session from her.  Thank you Andi!"             Joe Snyder, Sunlight of the Spirit Reiki, AZ


"Andi Feinberg' s work speaks volumes to her amazing abilities to be able to dig deep and broad into a person's energy field , subconscious, emotional, physical and spiritual levels to cleanse, heal and transform one's life.  For me she was able to help me step through a huge doorway to a level of awareness and being which I , for a long time was struggling to get through.  I highly recommend a session with Andi.  Her work is unique and powerful and thank you, Andi, for giving  my life back to me."  Bryn D., MA


Amazing !!! Amazing!!! Amazing!!! A friend of mine recommended me to Andi and at that time I was really struggling with my finances. I had a session with her and she did energy clearing.  It took only a week.  My phone started to ring.  Ever since I have been so busy.  Andi, thank you so much for helping me.  I highly recommend this amazing Energy Clearing Session with Andi!!"   R., L.A.


"Wow!  What can I say but I feel awesome...THANK YOU!"  L. D., AZ


"Andi, you have special place in my heart.  Your gift has lightened my load and now I feel I am more able to work towards my life's purpose - teaching the children!  If there is anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know!  A Gazillion Hugs and Blessings!"  L.B.


"I must insist on sharing the last clearing I've had and what it has done!

     1. My niece - who has not spoken to me since my sister died - spoke to me!  WHEW! 

     2. My brother who refused to talk/ see me is coming in July!

     3. Music ability increased to the 1000th power!

     4. My ability to hear vibrational sounds in music!

     5. I feel no offensive spirits

     6. Peace, true peace has been found!

     7. Hubby said, “Um I haven't seen this woman in years!”

     8. A sense of belonging I've never felt

     9. I see my body in a completely different light, since childhood!

    10. Suicide is GONE!

    11. Feel a sense of purpose

This is the small list! I love you eternally because you have never given up on ME! Adore you, Sending many your way!"     C. R., CO 


“I have called Andi many times over the years when I needed clearings and energetic upgrades. She is professional with a great sense of humor and enormous amount of compassion. She is the kind of go to person(in a crisis), every person on the planet needs. Her intuition and techniques have taken me to the next level I needed to get to at the time, a real emotional lifeboat! Her integrity is impeccable and her compassion for the human condition is boundless. Her deep and resonant voice as she is clearing carries the vibration of the necessary information, which for me is as much the healing as the content she is clearing and bringing into alignment. She understands the inexplicable. Anyone would be blessed to work with her and above all she is REAL.”  Cate M., NYC


"THANK YOU for the tremendous work you did with me today! You are "Master-full" in your command of your healing modality, and I felt safe, secure, empowered, and clearer in your able hands. Thank you for all of the clearing, disconnecting, etc. you provided my soul. I felt a difference the moment we began, and I continue to feel that light sensation in my body. :) I look forward to the continued changes I notice within myself as time goes on! You and your work are a true gift to lightworkers the world over!"    Emily E., Dallas, TX


"Absolutely Amazing! Soul satisfying, clearing on a cellular level- breaking through to higher awareness... I am humbled to have the great honor to experience a life-altering experience on this profound level. I am so grateful fpr Andi's gift. It's a rare opportunity for purification from a Master Healer - the cream of the cream and "a must" for all spiritual aspirants. Love, Light and Many, Many, Many Blessings!" Leah S., Phoenix (Reiki Master, Lightgiver)


"Andi...thank you again so much for the clearing and the lightworkers info. I feel so different this evening, and I know that Jeanne had a great time also. I now have more tools and a better understanding of how to remain centered and how to go forward and why my life has been as it has! It's absolutely wonderful to know that it does not have to continue to be that way :-)"    M.A.W., Mesa, AZ


"I wanted to give you some feedback. A big THANK YOU! I feel AMAZING today. Much more peaceful and mature. There is a definite sense of calmness that underscores the knowledge that everything is going to work out wonderfully just the way it is supposed to!" N.K., Phoenix


"You hit all my issues... like dealing cards on the table - one right after the other. You were right on the money...!" J U., LA


"The reason I am going into such detail about how I perceive energy is that this very sensitivity is how I came to understand the core value of Andi's work. I could not only feel the effects within the physical body, but I could also feel, see and intuit into the higher realms as she did her work. I thought the whole experience was quite remarkable. The side-effect for me was that the mortal fear I had about channeling in public literally disappeared on the spot. My constant second-guessing of my path and purpose also came to an abrupt end. I have faith in Andi's work, I refer clients to her for specific follow-up".  Carol Fitzpatrick, Virginia


"I first consulted with Andi out of pure curiosity regarding her work and found it fascinating. I noticed subtle changes after the first meeting, and found that I experienced more ease and less frustration after that. I felt dramatically better. The mental "chatter" stopped, my energy returned to its normal level, and, as of this date, those issues have not returned. I highly recommend Andi and her work!"  C. O.


"I was a 'mess'. Maybe that sounds overly dramatic,; however, it is pretty accurate in terms of how I felt. I really thought I was losing my mind and it was nearly impossible to concentrate. I was depressed most of the time. I needed help! When I heard about Andi and her work, it sounded just like what I was looking for. One session confirmed this. The results were instant and permanent. Using a combination of intuition and charts, Andi was able to clear every single obstacle I had (emotional, physical and spiritual). Through her work, I was able to see that there wasn't anything wrong with me; I had just taken on a lot of things from past lives which were keeping me from functioning fully and optimally as I could be. I now have a new lease on life. I have reclaimed joy, passion for life and motivation. I have rediscovered myself. The beauty of this treatment is that it only takes one time and the results are permanent. I am excited about life and happy again. Thanks, Andi!"  F.L. Denver


"The differences I noticed were subtle, but life altering. I have found that I am able to receive and process my interactions with others in greater ease than before. The connection to my Guides has greatly increased and I am able to receive information more clearly, making my readings and healing work for the community, more effective than they have ever been. It has truly been a blessing in my life, as in the lives of my spiritual family, to have had this opportunity to experience Andi's work."  M. Denver


“If you have reservations about working with someone "Energetically" (as I have)...then you could NOT find more Integrity/Clear channel to work with.  Andi gets to the Roots and "Clears” them out.  For me the results were "Immediate" and "Profound" (too numerous to mention here) ...she even cleaned up messes left by other Healers".  K. K. Lightworker/Healer Ontario, Canada


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